Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Whom God Calls, He Qualifies

The Lord was angry with the people of Enoch's day.  He called them to repentance because their hearts were hardened, they wouldn't listen to the Lord and keep His commandments, and their eyes were only focused on what was directly in front of them.

The Lord calls Enoch and Enoch says, "Why is it that I have found favor in thy sight, and am but a lad, and all the people hate me; for I am slow of speech; wherefore am I thy servant?

Enoch was told by the Lord to follow His commandments and the Lord would guide Enoch's words and have the Holy Ghost with him.  The Lord told Enoch to anoint his eyes with clay and Enoch became a seer.  Enoch spoke the words God wanted him to speak and the people could feel it.

In the beginning Enoch was afraid to speak yet his faith was so strong and he believed the Lord would guide his words.  And He did.  He led the people of Enoch.  Even the earth, the mountains and the rivers, obeyed Enoch's words.  All other nations and people feared him and the Lord's people.  And the Lord blessed the people of Enoch because they were righteous.  They were called Zion, the pure in heart.

My own experience, although far from that of Enoch, has shown similarities.  There has been many times I have accepted a call in the church that I feel inadequate to fill.  Yet I have accepted, knowing that the call was from the Lord and that he would help and guide me to accomplish my tasks and to fulfill my calling.  And He always has.  Whom God calls, he qualifies.

The words in Genesis do not say much about Enoch and his people, only a few short verses.  Enoch had children, walked with God, and was taken up to God.  We can learn so much more about Enoch and his people in the Joseph Smith Translation of Enoch found in the book of Moses.  We learn that Enoch was called to cry repentance to very wicked people.  Enoch's word's were powerful, because they came from God.  We learn that Enoch talked with God face to face and was shown many generations of the Earth.  He was commanded to call the people to repentance and to baptize them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.  We learn that the enemies of the people of God could not prevail against them.  The people of Enoch were blessed.  The city of Enoch, the city of Zion, was taken up into heaven to live with the Lord forever.